Wednesday, April 28, 2010

some recent stuff from my sketchbooks:

the 3 on the right are ref'd from 80's nat geo

that boy is my favourite thing i've drawn in the last few months, so here's a big ol' closeup:

i really like the feeling of the backpack, loosely drawn but still feeling like a solid object.


Jim Yang said...

The kid with backpack is a nice one.

Alexis Barattin said...

thanks mang, i like the direction it's going in. its funny sometimes i feel like i'm drawing and drawing and drawing just to get that one elusive drawing that gives me what i want!

Louise Smythe said...

freaking awesome!

Alexis Barattin said...

thanks louise!!

YNHeller said...

hey hey hey, these are lovely!

Alexis Barattin said...

thank you so much Kristian! pencil is always my first wuv.